Humanizing Your Brand and Making It Your Customers’ Best Friend
What makes humans different from robots? Personality. Well, a lot of things make us different, but personality is a big...
What Makes a Great Guerrilla Marketing Campaign?
We often best remember the things that break with our expectations of reality. Things that happen outside of our routine...
Why Curiosity Is Good For Business (And How To Foster It)
An overwhelming amount of research indicates that when businesses promote curiosity as part of their company culture, they...
Top Five Reasons You Need a New Website Design in 2021
As information rolls in about technological developments and societal trends we’ve seen in the last year, we’re learning...
Business and Marketing “SparkNotes”: Building a StoryBrand
Welcome back to Iconic Digital’s SparkNotes series, where we do the reading for you. This week we’re tackling Donald...
Business and Marketing “SparkNotes”: Purple Cow
Welcome to Iconic Digital’s Business and Marketing “SparkNotes” series, where we do the reading for you. If you’re trying...
The Iconic Ways that Fishers-Area Businesses Are Responding to COVID-19
Businesses and community leaders are all answering the call to take action in a troubled time. Here are some of the iconic...
What, Exactly, Is Branding?
It’s an understatement to say that there’s a lot of discussion of the importance of “brand recognition,” and “building a...
Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Keep Making
It’s a common assumption among small business owners and new entrepreneurs that if they make a superior product or provide...