Who is your best salesperson? Rob, who ‘Always Be Closing’? Or maybe Stephanie who is great with clients and has the uncanny ability to predict a person’s question before they even ask it? While these salespeople are great to have on your team, and you’re lucky if you have them, there is another important sales mechanism right under your nose you might be overlooking. Your website. It can do so much more than give customers your address and phone number, it can act as one of your top salespeople. You can save time and resources with lead generating websites instead of using your salespeople’s time and energy.



Utilize Your Website to Empower Your Audience

In today’s digital world, people go to the internet for answers to all of life’s mysteries. Where have I seen that actress before? A simple Google search will give you the answer and information on every other project she’s ever been in. Well, the same is true for your business. When people go looking to fill a need, fix a problem, or become a better version of themselves, they go online and do research to find the information needed. You don’t have the luxury of calling the person up with your best salesperson to persuade them that your company has the answer they are looking for. You have to rely on your website to do the selling for you, and in many cases, on your marketing strategy to get them to your website in the first place.

Get People the Answers They Need Quickly

Remember Stephanie, the one who can predict a question before it’s even thrown at her? Well, your website should be doing the same thing. With the right strategy and research, you can identify what your potential clients need from you and answer it directly on the website. Not only does this help your client get the information faster and see you as the company who has their finger on the pulse, but it also frees up your Stephanie and Rob to close those more difficult, time-intensive leads that require a little more care and attention.

Automate Your Marketing With Lead Generating Websites

Another way your website makes for a stellar salesperson is through marketing automation. When a lead arrives through the site and fills out a form requesting information, you know exactly what they need and what type of information they are looking for. Maybe you have a super helpful download to answer those questions or a how-to guide that can get your client closer to being the person they always wanted to be professionally or personally. These requests through your website can be automated with workflows that send relevant content to your clients without anyone on payroll having to tap even one button. When you use your website and marketing together like a well-oiled machine, your clients get that personal touch feel and your sales team can keep working on other revenue-generating tasks.

Be A Leader In Your Industry

So what else can your website do to be an elite sales member? It can act as a home base for all of the helpful and thoughtful content you have going out into the world. Don’t have helpful and thoughtful content yet? That’s okay, we’ve got a team here that can help you out with your content strategy. Your website should offer more than an outline of what products or services you provide. It should show your brand as a thought leader in your space and lead more people back to your website through content relevant to questions they have about what you do and how you do it. Say, for example, you were Googling how to get more leads through your website without spending more time. You would likely get articles giving tips, advice, and maybe even a step-by-step plan on how to accomplish that. This would be the time you would think to yourself, ‘wow that was really helpful, these guys sure know what they’re talking about’. This is huge because it builds trust and positions the provider of the content as an expert and someone you can rely on to answer the tough questions. And there you have an interested potential client who is already thinking about how you can solve their problems.

Marketing and Website Working Together

Your website and marketing strategy should work hand-in-hand, without both working together, you risk losing valuable leads to a clunky process or a competitor offering high-quality information right where customers are looking for it. You have a great salesperson already on board, your website, you just have to make sure you’re using it to your best ability.

This sound like something you could improve on? We’re here to help. We can get your website up and running as a well-oiled marketing machine in no time to save you and the rest of your sales team from answering the same mundane questions over and over and returning RFQ’s from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Just contact us and let us know how we can help!